Advice for Families and Individuals

Our firm specialises in consultancy for families and individuals, which involves providing legal defence in the following areas:

• Obligations and Contracts: Negotiation and drafting of contracts. Legal defence against possible judicial claims.

• Property Issues: Defence of property from different aspects, civil, administrative and judicial.

• Divorce and Separation: Negotiation and assistance in family proceedings.

• Inheritance Law: Inheritances and gifts.

• Traffic Accidents: Defence of personal injury and material damages claims.

• Medical Malpractice: Defence of personal injury claims.

• Criminal: Crimes against public health, crimes against road safety, and economic crimes.

• Public Administration Relations: Fines and property claims.

• Company Relations: Labour consultancy and trial defence against layoffs or substantial changes to the working conditions.

• Urbanism: Effects of the inclusion of properties in derivative planning (partial plans/special plans), or urban management tools (reparcelling and development projects), or issues derived from urban planning development (licences, execution orders, sanctions, infringement cases, etc.).

• Expropriations: To ensure compliance with legal requirements and a fair price.

• Renewable Energy: Project management and defence with regard to damages from projects managed by third parties.

• Wealth Management: Advice on the planning, management and defence of your assets, both real estate and banking and/or inheritance products.